Insider Threat Sentry
As of October 24, 2023, CDSE has discontinued the Insider Threat Sentry mobile application. Thank you to those who have downloaded and used the application for posters, security awareness games, job aids, case studies, and more! For Insider Threat training, products, and resources, please visit the Insider Toolkit.
Upcoming Webinars
Sign-up is available for the following upcoming live webinars:
DC3 Mission Brief and Current Cyber Threats
Thursday, November 16, 2023
1:00 to 2:30 p.m. ET
The Enemy Within: A Case Briefing
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
12:00 to 1:30 p.m. ET
Please visit CDSE's webinar webpage to register for the events and join the discussion!
CDSE Post-Baccalaureate Education Certificates
The CDSE Education Program is proud to announce the education certificates are being upgraded to become post-baccalaureate education certificates (PBC). Post baccalaureate certificates help cultivate skills essential to becoming a leading security professional as well as help support the transition to graduate academic programs. PBC programs are 100% virtual instructor-led which is ideal for the working professional. The upgraded certificate program will require the following eligibility criteria:
- Obtained a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited higher education institution
- Must currently be either a U.S. Government civilian employee or a U.S. military service member (U.S. Government contractors are not eligible to participate)
- Must be a United States Citizen
- Must have successfully passed at least one CDSE Education course with a final score of 80% or higher
- Must have an updated account in the Security, Training, Education, Professionalization Portal (STEPP)
Currently, CDSE is accepting applications for the PBC in Risk Management. For full consideration, the admission packets (application, writing sample, and transcript) must be submitted by November 27, 2023.
For more information, visit CDSE Education Certificates. If you have any additional questions, contact the CDSE Education Program at
Education Spring Semester Registration Now Available
The CDSE Education Program spring 2024 semester registration is now open! The spring semester classes will run from January 22 to May 19, 2024. Classes fill quickly, so register early to secure your spot in the spring semester.
CDSE Education Program offers:
- Tuition Free & Flexible 100% virtual instructor led courses
- Five Security Education Certificate programs
- Highly qualified instructors
- Real-world practical assignments
- Virtual networking with professionals throughout the security community
You can learn more about the classes being offered and register for them by accessing the course webpage. To register, log into STEPP. If you have any questions, or need additional information, contact the CDSE Education Program.
Social Media
Connect with CDSE on Twitter (@TheCDSE) , on LinkedIn (, and on Facebook (