eLearning Courses
Internet-based, self-paced training courses
- Derivative Classification IF103.16
This course explains how to derivatively classify national security information from a classification management perspective. The course describes the process and methods for derivatively classifying information; identifies authorized sources to use when derivatively classifying information and explains how to apply authorized sources, through derivatively classifying information based on the concepts of "contained in," "revealed by," and compilation. The course also discusses the responsibilities associated with derivatively classifying information, to include avoidance of over-classification, classification prohibitions and limitations, information sharing, classification challenges, and security incidents and sanctions.
- Security Classification Guidance IF101.16
This course helps provide Original Classification Authorities (OCAs) and derivative classifiers with the requisite knowledge for developing and employing security classification and declassification guidance. This course identifies U.S. Government and Department of Defense (DOD) policies applicable for developing classification guidance, explains the classification determination process, outlines the process for security classification guides and other types of classification guidance, and describes the process for developing declassification guides.
Job Aids
Security products designed to provide guidance and information to perform specific tasks
- Derivative Classification Training
The purpose of this job aid is to provide quick reference information for the responsibilities and procedures associated with derivative classification. This job aid also provides an overview of the approved security classification documents that assist in analyzing and evaluating information for identification of elements that require classification.