Education Certificates
CDSE Education Program students can earn a post-baccalaureate certificate (PBC) by successfully completing (passing) four CDSE Education courses in any of the five security concentration areas. PBC programs allow students to build relevant field experience and cultivate knowledge in a particular discipline. Although it is not a degree, the PBC is a higher level of academic achievement that can be transferred into graduate programs. The PBC programs will prepare security professionals to become leaders in their field of discipline. They will have the opportunity to study with security experts and network with security professionals across the Nation. The certificates are cost-efficient and tuition-free to government civilian employees and the military.

To participate in the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate program, prospective students must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Obtained a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited higher education institution
  • Must currently be either a U.S. Government civilian employee or a U.S. military service member (U.S. Government contractors are not eligible to participate)
  • Must be a United States citizen
  • Must have successfully passed at least one CDSE Education course with a final score of 80% or higher
  • Must have an updated account in the Security Training, Education, and Professionalization Portal (STEPP)

Click on the list below for more information about the course requires for each post-baccalaureate certificate. 

View this chart to see which courses are aligned with each Certificate and the schedules for those course offerings.

[NOTE Education certificate programs will be upgraded to post-baccalaureate certificates. As of January 2024, the CDSE Education division will no longer accept education certificate applications. If students meet the PBC admission requirements, they will be allowed to upgrade to a post-baccalaureate certificate. For further information, read the FAQs or contact the CDSE Education division]

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