Metrics for a More Secure Industrial Security Program

View the recording that does not include a downloadable CDSE Certificate. 

Date: August 29, 2022

Description: This webcast provides the Facility Security Officer, security support staff, or Key Management Personnel a greater understanding of how National Access Elsewhere Security Oversight Center, or NAESOC, uses the information that you report to create tools and mitigations that support your security program.  It also provides an enhanced awareness of how you can ensure effective program execution and how NAESOC resources can help you “get it right.”

Length: 13 minutes

Target Audience: Audience: Industrial Security Professionals

System Requirements: CDSE Webinars on

Notes:  Webinar Slides 

POC: Please contact with questions or comments.

CDSE courses are intended for use by Department of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel and contractors within the National Industrial Security Program.