This course was created by DAU and is hosted on CDSE's learning management system STEPP.
Description: The goal of this course is to provide an entry-level introduction to the issues of counterfeit materiel and the impact of counterfeiting on DOD programs and products as well as to means of identifying, reporting, and disposing of counterfeit items.
Course Resources: N/A
Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, students will have a basic knowledge of the impact of counterfeit material and the means of identifying, reporting, and disposing of counterfeit items in the Department of Defense supply system.
Delivery Method: eLearning
Length: 2 hours
Target Audience: This course will benefit all DOD professionals, across all Services and DOD agencies, as well as any industry partner, who wants to learn more about the subject.
Number of Student per Course: N/A
- Clearance Requirements: N/A
- Attendance Requirements: N/A
- Exam Requirements: A passing score of 80% on the final exam (DAU-CLL062.06) allows students to print a certificate of successful completion. Students will be allowed to take the exams three times after completing the course. If the student does not receive a passing score in their third attempt of the exam, the student will need to complete the course again before they may retake the exam.
Prerequisites: None
Credits Recommended/Earned:
- ACE Credit Recommendation: (What's this?) N/A
- Professional Development Units per SPēD: N/A
System Requirements: Check if your system is configured appropriately to use STEPP.