Defense Insider Threat Management and Analysis Center Update 2018

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Date: Thursday July 19, 2018

Description: The Defense Insider Threat Management and Analysis Center (DITMAC) was established in the wake of the Washington Navy Yard shooting and other recent insider threat incidents to serve as a catalyst for information sharing and collaborative insider defense. The DITMAC is an enterprise capability that leverages relevant data, a multidisciplinary team of analysts and experts; research, analysis, and risk assessment; and enabling tools and technologies to build an enterprise view of Insider Threat issues across the Department and in support of the DOD Components. CDSE hosts a discussion on the current status of the Center with DITMAC leadership on June 14, 2018. Join us and be part of the conversation!

Length: 1 hour

Target Audience: DOD, Federal Agencies

System Requirements: CDSE Webinars on

POC: Please contact with questions or comments.

CDSE courses are intended for use by Department of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel and contractors within the National Industrial Security Program.