Special Access Programs Job Aids
A Special Access Program is established for a specific class of classified information that imposes safeguarding and access requirements that exceed those normally required for information at the same classification level.

Prohibited Items (SAP) & Template
PDF icon November 2024, 2 page Job Aid and a Template.  This job aid provides a template image for secure spaces such as SAPFs and SCIFs to utilize as a poster. This poster can also be utilized at a visitor control access point by security personnel. Personnel can hold up the poster in front of them as a visual representation of prohibited items and then be able to read the brief on the back of the poster. End users can either utilize the provided images and brief provided in the job aid, or utilize the blank templates in order to create a customized poster/presentation for their unique requirements.

Top Secret Control Officer (TSCO)
PDF icon March 2022. Trifold brochure. This overview outlines Top Secret Control Officer (TSCO) roles and responsibilities required by policy to assure the protection of National Security Information. Both Collateral and SAP requirements are covered in this overview.

SAP Briefings and Debriefings
PDF icon February 2022, 2 pages. This job aid provides guidance for required briefing, refresher training, and debriefing topics that must be given to every program-accessed individual. Presentation tips are included for those who are new to delivering briefings.

SAP Nomination Process (SAPNP)
PDF icon November 2021, 7 pages. This Job Aid reinforces the responsibilities and procedures for the SAP Nomination Process. It is suitable for viewing online and also can be printed as a handy desk reference.

Introduction to the RMF for Special Access Programs (SAPs)
PDF icon April 2019, 11 pages. This document is a quick reference of the Risk Management Framework (RMF) used for the management of all networks, systems, and components under the purview of the Department of Defense (DOD) SAP information systems as set forth in the DODM 5205.07 SAP Security Manual: Volume 1 (V1) General Procedures, Reference Enclosure 6, Cybersecurity and the DOD Joint SAP Implementation Guide (JSIG).

Procedures for Transporting Special Access Program (SAP) Material
PDF icon July 2015, 15 pages. This job aid contains what you should include in a transportation plan, who must approve a transportation plan, and a transportation plan template.

SAP Security Incidents Trifold
PDF icon March 2015, 2 pages. This guide describes the types of security incidents that can happen in a SAP environment and includes the actions that security personnel should take.

SAP Types and Categories
PDF icon September 2012, 2 pages. This printable reference identifies and defines the three types and three categories of Special Access Programs.