U.S. Marine Corps Security Manager Prerequisite GS124.CU

Description: This curriculum is a prerequisite for the United States Marine Corps (USMC) Security Management Resident Course. Completion of this curriculum is a requirement for all security management personnel and shall be completed within 30 days of assignment. This set of courses introduces common DOD security disciplines an Activity Security Manager, Assistant Activity Security Manager, or Security Assistant may encounter while performing their duties. Specifically, these courses provide an overview of Information Security, Physical Security, Industrial Security, and Personnel Security responsibilities as well as programs such as Risk Management and Operations Security (OPSEC). Upon completion, students will be eligible to register for the USMC Security Management Course.

Delivery Method: eLearning

Length: 14 hours (includes courses and exams)

Target Audience: Marine Corps civilian, military, and contractor security management personnel with duties as an Activity Security Manager, Assistant Activity Security Manager, or Security Assistant, requiring entry-level knowledge of Information, Industrial, Personnel, and Physical security discipline’s policy and procedures.


  • General Requirements:
    • List of Courses and Exams
      • Derivative Classification Course - IF103.16 and Exam
      • DOD Mandatory Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Training
      • Insider Threat Awareness - INT101.16 and Exam
      • Introduction to Industrial Security - IS011.16 and Exam
      • Introduction to Information Security - IF011.16 and Exam
      • Introduction to Personnel Security - PS113.16 and Exam
      • Introduction to Physical Security - PY011.16 and Exam
      • Introduction to Risk Management Framework - CS124.16 and Exam
      • Marking Classified Information - IF105.16 and Exam
      • OPSEC Awareness for Military Members, DOD Employees and Contractors - GS130.16 and Exam
      • Storage Containers and Facilities - PY105.16 and Exam
      • Unauthorized Disclosure (UD) of Classified Information & Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) - IF130.16 and Exam
    • List of Shorts
      • Adverse Information Reporting - (Short) PS007.16
      • Classified Storage Requirements - (Short) IF004.16
      • Disposal and Destruction of Classified Information - (Short) IF002.16
      • DOD Locks Approved to Safeguard Classified and Sensitive Materials - (Short) PY001.16
      • Security Incidents Reporting Requirements - (Short) IF003.16
  • Clearance Requirements: N/A
  • Attendance Requirements: N/A
  • Exam Requirements: Students must earn a 75 percent grade average on course exams and performance exercises.

Credits Recommended/Earned:

  • ACE Credit Recommendation: (What's this?):  N/A
  • Continuing Education Units (CEUs):  Contact CompTIA to find out about CEUs for this course.
  • Professional Development Units (PDUs) per SPēD:  PDUs are determined by length of course and in accordance with (IAW) current Certification Maintenance Guidelines.

System Requirements: Check if your system is configured appropriately to use STEPP.

CDSE courses are intended for use by Department of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel and contractors within the National Industrial Security Program.