What is the SPēD Program?

The Security Professional Education Development (SPēD) Certification Program is part of DOD’s initiative to professionalize the security workforce.  Established in DOD Instruction 3305.13 and DOD Manual 3305.13, this initiative ensures there exists a common set of competencies among security practitioners that promotes interoperability, facilitates professional development and training, and develops a workforce of certified security professionals.


SPēD Certification Contact Information

SPēD certification customer care email: dcsa.spedcert@mail.mil

Credly customer support: Submit a ticket request at https://www.credly.com/earner/earned external link icon

Pearson VUE test cancellation/rescheduling: 1-888-477-0284

Benefits of Certifications and Credentials

For Individuals

Fosters understanding of the concepts and principles deemed critical to protect the Nation's assets. Provides nationally-accredited and recognized credential transportable across the DOD, Federal Government, and Industry.

For Employers

Provides a reference to determine an individual's understanding of the concepts and principles deemed critical to protect the Nation's assets and a source to increase workforce productivity. Identifies competent, mission-ready professionals and promotes interoperability.

For the Professional

Defines consistent standards which build upon professionalizing the workforce. Provides a structure for certificants to maintain competencies and assure their mission readiness.