Our Certifications and Credentials

Enterprise Certifications

SFPCSecurity Fundamentals Professional Certification (SFPC)
The SFPC provides a recognized and reliable indication of a security practitioner's understanding of foundational concepts, principles, and practices needed to successfully protect DOD assets. The SFPC was accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) in December 2012, and received re-accreditation in February 2023, demonstrating its continued compliance with NCCA standards.

SPIPCSecurity Program Integration Professional Certification (SPIPC)
The SPIPC provides a recognized and reliable indication of a security practitioner's understanding and ability to apply risk management and security program management concepts, principles, and practices. You must be a certificant of the SFPC to participate. The SPIPC was accredited by the NCCA in February 2015, and received re-accreditation in February 2023, demonstrating its continued compliance with NCCA standards.
Security Asset Protection Professional Certification (SAPPC)
The SAPPC provides a recognized and reliable indication of a security practitioner's ability to apply foundational concepts, principles, and practices needed to successfully perform functions, implement programs, and pursue missions to protect DOD assets. You must be a certificant of the SFPC to participate. The SAPPC was accredited by NCCA in January 2014, and received re-accreditation in February 2023, demonstrating its continued compliance with NCCA standards.
PSCPhysical Security Certification (PSC)
The PSC is ideal for DOD, Industry, and federal members performing physical security functions. The PSC was accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) in March 2016, and received re-accreditation in April 2021, demonstrating its continued compliance with NCCA standards.

Enterprise Credentials

ISOCIndustrial Security Oversight Credential (ISOC)
The ISOC is ideal for DOD, Industry, and federal members under the National Industrial Security Program (NISP). 
ATC logoAntiterrorism Credential (ATC)
The ATC provides a recognized and reliable indication of a security practitioner's understanding and ability to specify purpose, function, and role of the AT Plan to the effective functioning of an AT Program, and appropriately apply that knowledge to contribute to the effective functioning of an AT program.
SPSC logoSpecial Program Security Credential (SPSC)
The SPSC is ideal for personnel who will be or are already performing Security Officer functions for and/or on behalf of the Department of Defense Special Access Programs. You must be a certificant of the SFPC to participate.

Specialty Certifications and Credentials

SPIPCAdjudicator Professional Certification (APC)
The APC is required for all Personnel Security Adjudicators in the DOD Consolidated Adjudications and DOD Intelligence Community Central Adjudication Facilities, and personnel security adjudicators employed by an agency to participate in the program. The APC was accredited by the NCCA in April 2018, and received re-accreditation in June 2023.

​Due Process Adjudicator Professional Credential (DPAPC)
The DPAPC provides the recognition and official record of an individual's demonstrated understanding and application of occupational and technical knowledge, skills, and expertise necessary to proficiently perform essential due process adjudicator tasks (i.e., writing SORs, evaluating responses to SORs, recommending eligibility determinations or other functions following evaluation of responses to SORs).
NCAA Accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies