New CUI Shorts Now Available
CDSE recently released the following four new Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) shorts:
Create/Identify & Designate CUI: CUI Life Cycle Short #1
Safeguarding Part 1 – Marking CUI: CUI Life Cycle Short #2
Safeguarding Part 2 & Sharing: CUI Life Cycle Short #3
Destroying and Decontrolling CUI: CUI Life Cycle Short #4
Access them today and expand your knowledge of CUI!
May Pulse Now Available
We recently released the CDSE Pulse, a monthly security awareness newsletter that features topics of interest to the security community. In addition, we share upcoming courses, webinars, and conferences. The May newsletter focused on “Mental Health Awareness Month.” Check out all the newsletters in CDSE's Electronic Library or subscribe/update your current subscription to get the newsletter sent directly to your inbox by submitting your email address from CDSE News.
Registration Open for Fall Education Classes
The CDSE Education Program’s Fall 2024 Semester registration is now available. The fall semester classes will run from August 19 to December 15. Classes fill quickly, so please register early to secure your spot in the spring semester. CDSE Education Program offers:
- Tuition-free & flexible 100% virtual instructor-led courses
- Five security education post-baccalaureate certificate programs
- Highly qualified instructors
- Real-world practical assignments
- Virtual networking with professionals throughout the security community
You can learn more about the classes being offered and register for them by accessing the link here.
To register, log into STEPP.
If you have any questions, or need additional information, contact
Upcoming Webinar
CDSE webinars are a great way to gain insight into various security topics and interact with security experts. Webinars can also be used as professional development units (PDUs) in support of SPēD certification maintenance. Sign up today for the following upcoming live webinar:
Saying Goodbye – Making Involuntary Separations Easier and Safer
June 16, 2024
12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. ET
Visit to register for this event and join the discussion!
STEPP Notice
The Security Training, Education, and Professionalization Portal (STEPP), the Security Awareness Hub, and eCC will undergo maintenance and will be inaccessible on the following dates/times:
Date: May 24 - 25, 2024
Time: 10:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m. ET
Duration: 4 hours
Reason: system maintenance
During this window, STEPP users will be unable to access the system. Also, note that STEPP has a daily maintenance backup from 1:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. ET. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Social Media
Connect with CDSE on X (@TheCDSE) , on LinkedIn (, and on Facebook (