Register For 2022 Insider Threat Virtual Security Conference
Registration is now open for the Insider Threat Virtual Conference. On September 1, the conference, jointly hosted by CDSE and Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (OUSD(I&S)), will bring security professionals and policy makers across the U.S. Government and industry together to kick off the National Insider Threat Awareness Month (NITAM) campaign. This year’s theme is “Critical Thinking in Digital Spaces.” Visit the CDSE website to register.
Counter-Insider Threat (C-Int) Social & Behavioral Science (Sbs) Summit Registration Now Open
Register now for the Counter-Insider Threat (C-InT) Social & Behavioral Science (SBS) Summit. This 30-day virtual event will focus on building Cognitive Immunity to increase resistance against misinformation and bad ideas to maximize the effectiveness of Counter-Insider Threat Programs. The Defense Personnel and Security Research Center (PERSEREC), home of The Threat Lab, hosts the C-InT SBS Summit during September 1-30, 2022 in conjunction with National Insider Threat Awareness Month (NITAM). Register to attend live keynotes and view on-demand research presentations, case studies, and training aids curated by leading subject matter experts in counter-insider threat research and practice. Learn more at
National Insider Threat Awareness Month
National Insider Threat Awareness Month (NITAM) is right around the corner! First held in 2019, NITAM is an annual, month-long campaign during September that brings together thousands of U.S. security professionals and policy makers from Government and industry, located in 25 countries around the globe, to educate Government and industry about the risks posed by insider threats and the role of insider threat programs. This year’s theme is “Critical Thinking in Digital Spaces.” For more information visit the NITAM website.
August Webinars
CDSE invites you to participate in our upcoming August webinars:
NBIS The Future of Personnel Vetting
Thursday, August 18, 2022
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET
Please join us for a live webinar with policy experts from the Program Executive Office (PEO) - Planning and Deployment Office (PDO) on National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) the federal government’s one-stop-shop IT system for end-to-end personnel vetting.
Physical Security Posture: Security-In-Depth (SID)
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET
Please join us for a live webinar about security-in-depth, which is a determination by the senior agency official that a facility security program consists of layered and complimentary security controls.
Visit Webinars and Conferences to sign up for both events and join the discussion!
September DOD Security Specialist Course
The next DOD Security Specialist Course (SSC) is scheduled to start September 12, 2022 and is entirely virtual! The four-week, virtual SSC provides students a baseline of fundamental knowledge to perform common DOD security tasks and practices. It incorporates industrial, information, personnel, and physical security disciplines to understand their interrelationships, related policies, programs, and procedures.
To learn more, register, and view the required prerequisites, visit
Sign Up For Fall Education Courses
Registration is still open for the fall semester of CDSE Education classes that run from August 22 to December 18, 2022. There are 14 courses available during the fall semester. Several of the courses are full but seats are still available in some courses including the following:
- Writing and Communication Skills for Security Professionals (ED 201) - This course is an exploration of the skills and behaviors that contribute to success in oral and written communications. It is focused on the specific written and oral communication skills needed by a DOD security professional.
- Organizational Considerations in Applying Security within the Federal and DOD Bureaucracy (ED 502) - This course presents an in-depth look at how to work within the Federal and DOD bureaucracy to accomplish security missions and objectives. The course will address how security professionals can support military operations and DOD programs most effectively.
- Understanding Adversaries and Threats to the United States and the DOD (ED 504) – This course specifically addresses the intentions and capabilities of the three to five most significant adversaries to the United States and to DOD. It also addresses counterintelligence, counterterrorism, insider threats, threats to critical information systems, embezzlement, physical sabotage, violence in the workplace by disgruntled employees, and others that must be addressed by the senior security manager.
Learn more about all of the classes being offered and register for them by accessing the links located here:
To register, log into the Security, Training, Education, and Professionalization Portal (STEPP) via:
If you have any questions, or need additional information, please send inquiries to:
Social Media
Connect with CDSE on Twitter (@TheCDSE ) and on Facebook ( ).