Register for Conferences – Registration Open for Fall Semester
June 03, 2021

Register Now For 2021 DOD Virtual Security Conference

Registration is now open for the 2021 DOD Virtual Security Conference on August 3 - 5! This year’s conference theme is “2021 Collaborative Resilience: Vision Turns to Reality in Security Today.” The agenda will include policy change and implementation updates on topics such as NBIS, Insider Threat, Portable Electronic Devices, NISPOM Updates, and CUI. The conference is open to .gov and .mil email holders
Find out more and register here!

2021 Insider Threat Virtual Conference

Save the date for the upcoming Insider Threat Virtual Conference:
September 2, 2021
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET
Open to security professionals in government and industry.
The 2021 Insider Threat Virtual Conference, hosted jointly by the Defense Counterintelligence Security Agency and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, will bring together security professionals and policy makers across U.S. government and industry to kick off the National Insider Threat Awareness Month (NITAM) campaign. The theme for this year's conference and campaign is Cultural Awareness and Insider Threat.
Registration opens August 2, 2021.

Registration Now Open For Fall 2021 Semester of CDSE Tuition-Free Education Classes

Registration is now open for the Fall semester of CDSE Education classes that run from August 23 to December 17, 2021. Classes fill quickly, so please register early to secure your spot in the Fall semester. These courses will enhance your analytical thinking and problem solving skills. In addition, they will help you gain critical knowledge about principle concepts and facts that anyone who wants to be a future leader within DOD should know.

The courses include reading, research, and writing assignments similar to a three credit, collegiate-level course. A significant time commitment is required, but the commitment will pay off. The courses are online, tuition free, and allow students the flexibility to collaborate with each other and Subject Matter Expert (SME) Instructors when they want.

You can learn more about the classes being offered and register for them by accessing the links here: To register, log into STEPP.

If you have any questions, or need additional information, contact the CDSE Education Division.

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