Insider Threat Basic Hub Operations INT240.16

Description: The Insider Threat Basic Hub Operations course provides Insider Threat Program Managers and operations personnel with an overview of Insider Threat Hub operations and breaks down proactive approaches to deter, detect, mitigate and report the threats associated with trusted insiders. The course will explain the roles and purpose of an Insider Threat Hub and describe in detail the Insider Threat Hub management processes.

Course Resources: Access this course's resources

Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, students will be able to describe the functions and best practices for establishing Insider Threat Hubs. Students will have the knowledge on how to integrate Insider Threat programs into larger organization missions and national security.

Delivery Method: eLearning

Length: 90 minutes

Target Audience: This course is designed for DOD, industry, and federal agency personnel tasked to enact insider threat detection, deterrence, and mitigation procedures. This includes designated professional capability support personnel.


  • Clearance Requirements: N/A
  • Attendance Requirements: N/A
  • Exam Requirements: A passing score of 75% on the final exam allows students to print a certificate of successful completion.

Prerequisites: N/A

Credits Recommended/Earned:

System Requirements: Check if your system is configured appropriately to use STEPP.

CDSE courses are intended for use by Department of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel and contractors within the National Industrial Security Program.