Description: The "Insider Threat Mitigation Responses" course was developed to equip Insider Threat Program Management and Operational personnel with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to identify viable response options ranging from administrative actions, security violations or infractions, and referrals to Human Resources (HR), the Employee Assistance program (EAP), law enforcement, and/or the appropriate supporting counterintelligence organization. Training is required to be able to analyze and mitigate information to determine appropriate reporting as directed by Department of Defense Directive (DODD) 5240.06,The DOD Insider Threat Program; SEAD -4, National Security Adjudicative Guidelines; and other indicators that meet DIMAC thresholds or as determined by OUSD(I) and /or policy guidance.
Course Resources: Access this course's resources
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, learners will be able to:
- Explain the role of Insider Threat Programs in mitigating the risks posed by insider threats and how programs mitigate those risks
- Describe factors to consider when formulating a mitigation response to an insider threat incident
- Summarize the ability of multidisciplinary teams to craft mitigation responses tailored to insider threat incidents
- Identify reporting requirements that apply to Insider Threat Programs
Delivery Method: eLearning
Length: 60 minutes
Target Audience: The target audience for this training is individuals working as Insider Threat Program Operational personnel. This includes the Insider Threat Program Manager and any of those subject matter experts designated to coordinate their support of the organization’s insider threat program.
Requirements: Students must complete the course in STEPP. It is recommended that those who complete this training provide a copy of the training certificate to their individual Insider Threat Program Manager for retention in the training files.
- Clearance Requirements: N/A
- Attendance Requirements: N/A
- Exam Requirements: Students must pass the exam with a score of 75% or greater to receive a certificate of completion.
Reference: DOD Directive 5205.16, The DOD Insider Threat Program; Executive Order 13587
Prerequisites: Insider Threat Awareness INT101.16
Credits Recommended/Earned:
- ACE Credit Recommendation: (What's this?): N/A
- Professional Development Units per SPēD: PDUs are determined by length of course and IAW with current Certification Maintenance Guidelines
System Requirements: Check if your system is configured appropriately to use STEPP.
CDSE courses are intended for use by Department of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel and contractors within the National Industrial Security Program.