Cybersecurity Security Shorts

Cybersecurity is the ability to protect or defend the use of cyberspace from attacks.

These "shorts" are not intended for download. Please note, you will not receive a certificate of completion for watching a short.

  • Assured File Transfer
    This short provides guidance on the requirements for assured file transfer, including the DCSA's authorized file types and formats for assured file transfer procedures.
  • Cybersecurity and the Use of New Personal Devices
    A Cybersecurity short video designed to make security professionals aware of the threat that exists with the usage of personal electronic devices in the workplace.
  • Cybersecurity Attacks: The Insider Threat
    A Cybersecurity short that addresses the types of attacks facilitated by the witting and unwitting insider and methods to mitigate.
  • Cybersecurity: Incident Response
    This short addresses the importance of and approaches to building an effective incident response capability.
  • Data Spills
    This short provides the learner with guidance on how to respond to a potential data spill.
  • Mobile Device Application Security
    The short promotes user awareness of the need for mobile device application security and permission-setting.
  • The Triple Threat: Counterintelligence, Cybersecurity, and Insider Threat
    The Triple Threat Short examines the interconnectedness of Counterintelligence, Cybersecurity and Insider Threat missions and their roles in identifying and mitigating internal and external threats. Although each is a distinct mission, they converge where adversaries combined old methods of operation with digital methods of contact.
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