The migration from Clarus, also known as My SPēD Certification (MSC), to Defense Acquisition University’s (DAU) system is now complete.
Certification and credential holders whose records successfully migrated have been instructed to log onto the DAU Virtual Campus ( to verify their profile and transcript contains accurate demographic and SPēD certification information, and if necessary to contact the DAU Help Desk at to report any discrepancies related to their account.
Certification and credential holders whose records did not successfully migrate have been instructed to complete the following actions (please note, if they already have a DAU Virtual Campus account, they should skip to step 2):
Using the below Task Aid, submit a SAAR request for access to DAU Virtual Campus (
All DOD users (civilian, military, contractors) follow the process starting on page 2 of the Task Aid.
All other Federal users follow the process starting on page 13 of the Task Aid.
Email the SPēD PMO ( once they have completed the SAAR request to access the DAU Virtual Campus. Specify the email address you have used affiliated with the DAU Virtual Campus SAAR.
***For account holders whose records did not successfully migrate, SPēD certification records WILL NOT migrate to DAU until these actions are completed.***
In addition, new SPēD candidates are now able to create DAU accounts and proceed with assessment requests.
Task Aid: SPēD Candidate Task Aid 
Video: Hype Video