September DOD Security Specialist Course – Upcoming Changes To Certification Maintenance and Renewal Policies – August Webinar
August 29, 2022

September DOD Security Specialist Course

The next DOD Security Specialist Course (SSC) is scheduled to start September 12, 2022 and is entirely virtual! The four-week, virtual SSC provides students a baseline of fundamental knowledge to perform common DOD security tasks and practices. It incorporates industrial, information, personnel, and physical security disciplines to understand their interrelationships, related policies, programs, and procedures.
Learn more, register, and view the required prerequisites.

Upcoming Changes To Certification Maintenance and Renewal Policies

New certification maintenance and renewal policies and procedures will go into effect on October 1. To transition to the new policy, currently certified individuals (who are within their two-year renewal window) will have until September 30 to either 1) submit Certification Renewal Forms (CRFs) under existing renewal policy, or 2) wait to submit under the new policy. Certificants who expire prior to October 1 must renew under the current policy. Certificants who are conferred or renew after October 1 will operate under the new policy.
These new policy changes include:

  • Professional Development Units (PDUs) based on level of effort
  • Updated and expanded PDU categories
  • Single expiration date across all certifications/credentials
  • Single CRF form
  • Maintenance periods based upon the candidate initiating an action (e.g., submitting a form in the My SPēD system or attaining a new SPēD Certification). This period remains at two years for each cycle.

**Certificants are ultimately responsible for ensuring their certifications are maintained in accordance with program maintenance and renewal guidelines**

Stay tuned for more information, including updated handbooks and webpages.

August Webinar

There is still time to register for our next webinar:

Physical Security Posture: Security-In-Depth (SID)
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET
Please join us for a live webinar about security-in-depth, which is a determination by the senior agency official that a facility security program consists of layered and complimentary security controls.

Visit the Webinars and Conferences webpage to sign up for all four events and join the discussion!

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