Insider Risk & Security Clearance Adjudications

View the recording that does include a downloadable CDSE Certificate.
View the recording that does not include a downloadable CDSE Certificate.

Date: May 04, 2023

Description: Recent advances in the security clearance adjudication process have resulted in significant improvements in evaluating and adjudicating concerning behaviors. This webinar will provide important updates to Insider Threat Professionals on the adjudication process, and educate attendees regarding how to effectively collaborate with the CAS when considering mitigation strategies.

Length: 90 minutes

Target Audience: Insider Threat Professionals

System Requirements: CDSE Webinars on

Webinar Slides Powerpoint Icon

POC: Please contact with questions or comments.

CDSE courses are intended for use by Department of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel and contractors within the National Industrial Security Program.