Cyber Insider Threat INT280.16

Description: The Cyber Insider Threat course is designed to familiarize Department of Defense (DOD), Component, Industry, and Federal Agency Insider Threat Program Practitioners with cyber insider threat and associated indicators. The instruction relates these concepts to efforts to counter the insider threat, to mitigate risks associated with trusted insiders, and to identify the role of cybersecurity within a multi-disciplinary threat management capability. These learning objectives support the conduct and integration of monitoring, analysis, reporting, and response to insider threats as required in the DODD 5205.16, NISPOM Change 2, EO13587 and President’s Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs.

Course Resources: Access this course's resources

Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, students will:

  • Define Cyber Insider Threat
  • Identify the cyber risks associated with trusted insiders
  • Summarize the role of cybersecurity in an Insider Threat Hub
  • Apply cybersecurity mitigation strategies posed by trusted insiders

Delivery Method: eLearning

Length: 30 minutes

Target Audience: DOD Component, Industry, and Federal Agency Insider Threat Program Management Personnel. Additional cohorts in critical infrastructure sectors may utilize the training


  • Clearance Requirements: N/A
  • Attendance Requirements: N/A
  • Exam Requirements: A passing score of 75% on the final exam allows students to print a certificate of successful completion.

Prerequisites: N/A

Credits Recommended/Earned:

  • ACE Credit Recommendation: (What's this?): In association with CI201.CU
  • Professional Development Units per SPēD: PDUs are determined by length of course and IAW with current Certification Maintenance Guidelines

System Requirements: Check if your system is configured appropriately to use STEPP.

CDSE courses are intended for use by Department of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel and contractors within the National Industrial Security Program.